we series

The We Series presents live art that blurs the line between performance and reality—all things participatory, ceremonial, ritualistic, immersive, and tutorial. Elastic Arts has presented the series since 2017. In January 2021, the We Series offered video performances at the Elastic Arts Twitch and new experimental writing at Sixty Inches From Center.

Working with a new set of themes in each iteration, the series asks artists to make new rituals for daily life: for sleep, food, screens, grief, health, and beyond. Performer and audience, performance and life, creating and consuming are porous categories, and the We Series asks everyone present to unsettle these arbitrary distinctions.

The We Series is curated by Deidre Huckabay and Lia Irene Kohl.



Presented in 4 parts each Tuesday in January 2021, the We Series curators brought together artists and writers to create work based on a theme. Food, Health, Sleep, Screens.

Video works from Spence Warren, The Ensemble Whose Name is Uhhhhhmm..., and Joan Oh
Writings by Jess Galli & Nandini Khaund can be found at Sixty Inches from Center HERE.

Video works from Kim Alpert, Sam Scranton, and Aaliyah Christina. Writings by Angel Bat Dawid & Dain Saint can be found HERE.

Chapter 3: Sleep
Video works from Unyimeabasi Udoh, Marvin Tate & Jordan Reyes, and AJ McClennon. The chapter’s writings come from Kurt Chiang and Dr. Adam Zanolini, which can be found HERE.

Chapter 4: Screens
Video works from Chengan Xia, Katinka Kleijn, and Norman Long. Writings from Sonnenzimmer and Jordan Martin’s which can be found HERE.